Investment Opinion Distribution

Investment Opinion Distribution

Your company’s news is summarized into an Investment Opinion (IO) and then distributed through an EXCLUSIVE circuit to HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people, including fund managers, institutional investors, investment professionals and individual investors.  Our investment opinion distribution is picked up by over 1,300 financial and news web sites globally like Dow Jones, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, Reuters, Google Finance, The Associated Press, NY Times,, Wall Street Journal, BBC,, Fox News, Fox Business, IBT Investor’s Business Daily, Financial Times,, Barons, Forbes, Fortune & Major Regional Newspapers, Radio Shows publications.  Your company’s news is strategically tagged with your competitors in these investment opinion distributions, your sectors leaders or NYSE, NASDAQ, OTCBB companies with unusually high daily volume or price appreciation.  This gets your company’s press releases in front of MILLIONS of market professionals and investors. OFC is one of three companies with grandfathered IO accounts. These are no longer available to ANY new companies seeking to put out investment opinion distribution.

  1. A company profile is created and featured on during the agreement term.
  2. An audio interview is done highlighting your company to investors.  This is sent through our extensive social media network.
  3. All press releases, audio / video interviews and investment opinions are also added to during the agreement term.
  4. Your company profile, audio / video interviews and press releases are also sent out to our internal email subscriber lists, which currently total over 350k.
  5. In addition your company profile, audio / video interviews and press releases and investment opinions are sent to over 125 social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Digg, Plurk, Stumble, Buzz, Tumblr, Amplify, Faves, MySpace, FriendFeed, Blogger, Plaxo, Yahoo, FourSquare, to note a few) which total over 300k followers.
  6. Further a master post of all your corporate information is created and pinned to the top of your company’s thread within
  7. A banner ad of your company is created within pointing to your stock thread within
  8. Finally using a “Science” if you would, we employ a proven method of search engine optimization to your company profile, press releases and investment opinion distribution on and disseminated throughout our multiple investor touch-point channels.