
All information listed within OFinancialinc.com was prepared by Obsidian Financial Communications Inc. (OFC) for the companies discussed within, based upon information supplied by the company or from other public information sources believed to be reliable like SEC Filings, Research Reports, Press Releases, News Releases, The Company’s web site or other sources of publicly available information and posted on OFinancialinc.com.

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Public Filings

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We also strongly urge that you read the SEC advisory to investors  concerning Internet Stock Fraud, which can be found at www.sec.gov/consumer/cyberfr.htm

We encourage you to invest carefully and read investment information available at the websites of the SEC at http://www.sec.gov and FINRA at http://www.finra.org.

As some of the companies that are mentioned in Electronic OFC Content are traded on the pink sheets, these companies are more difficult to gather information on.  For these, we recommend you visit http://www.OTCMarkets.com for more information.

There are risks involved

Always remember that investing in securities such as the ones listed within are for high risk tolerant individuals only and not the general public. Whether you are an experienced investor or not, you should always consult with a stock broker or financial advisor before purchasing or selling any securities viewed in Electronic OFC Content.  Whether you request information on / through our web site or request a free investor kit, you will NOT automatically be added to our email list(s).  Though you may be contacted by a OFC representative about your inquiry.  If at anytime you wish to be removed from our list(s) simply email info (@) OFinancialinc.com with “remove” in the subject.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides investors a ‘safe harbor’ in regard to forward-looking statements. OFC cautions all investors that such forward-looking statements in any Electronic OFC Content are not guarantees of future performance. Unknown risk, including bankruptcy, uncertainties, fraud, stock manipulation as well as other uncontrollable or unknown factors may cause actual results to materially differ from the results, performance or expectations expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Smaller companies may have a higher likelihood of filing for bankruptcy. Investors are urged to do their own research regarding the dangers of potential bankruptcy filings as well as all other risks. The profiled company may have to raise additional capital to remain solvent. Investor awareness distribution programs can materially affect the price of the company’s stock. OFC assumes no responsibility and no liability for any corporate Press Release or other information believed to be reliable. OFC performs and participates at times in investor awareness programs. When used, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” and similar expressions as they relate to the Company or its management are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. The Company’s actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from the results expressed in, or implied by these forward looking statements. OFC distributes its Electronic OFC Content through Electronic OFC Content distribution networks and by investor awareness advertising programs to various types of investors. Recipients such as readers, listeners or viewers of such distribution may be short-term investors such as day traders, traders, retail investors, institutions, and/or long term retail and institutional investors. These Recipients may create volatile trading prices. OFC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, at any time, and without any obligation, to make changes in any way to, or correct any error(s) or omission(s) in any portion of the Electronic or other content or materials.

Obsidian Financial Communications Inc. (OFC) – Compensation

In addition to any compensation mentioned herein, additional compensation can be equal to ten percent of any newly issued or registered securities of the profiled companies during the agreement term with The Public Company.  OFC’s compensation and possible equity position constitutes a conflict of interest in OFC’s ability to remain objective with regard to any Electronic OFC Content.